The latest teachings, updates, and musings from our teachers at Majestic.
Self-Love Meditation
We all could bring a little more self-love into your hearts.
When we are able to truly love ourselves, we are able to genuinely love others more fully and to open ourselves to receiving love.
Loving Kindness Meditation
Meditation is a powerful tool to help us connect to our hearts. Every moment that we spend in stillness the more our awareness increases.
Connecting To The Present Moment
How do you connect to the present moment during the craziness of your day with cell phones buzzing and beeping, emails pinging, children calling, Zoom meetings awaiting.
Finding a Path to Inner Peace
Finding the path to inner peace can be challenging. We all have nonstop thoughts throughout the day. We can’t stop them from coming.
Calming Meditation
In this meditation, we'll explore how to find calm, even on the most stressful day. We'll use Tonglan, or the use of energy exchange, to facilitate a deeper calm.
Clear Your Mind and Stretch Your Body with This Yoga Pose You Can Do Anywhere
Find this easy to follow yoga pose for a daily endorphin release.
Try this variation of Wheel, Urdhva Dhanurasana, on a chair to open your heart and lift your spirits
Wheel pose, Urdhva Dhanurasana, can be a powerful pose to open your heart and lift your spirits. When practiced on a chair like this it is challenging because it requires a lot of core and leg strength.
How Do We Find Steadiness During Unsteady Times
When our world is unsteady one of the best things to do is turn inward and find steadiness on the inside by practicing Tree pose, Vrkasana, Vrkasana is a powerful standing and balancing pose. Even if you are feeling unsteady, by practicing Tree pose on a regular basis you will start to feel more grounded, calm, and steady. It will help you connect to your heart and your inner strength.
Coping with COVID
The Coronavirus has turned all our world’s upside down. We all respond to upheaval differently. Some of us are naturally more flexible and meet the challenge head on. While others feel scared, angry, sad, and shut down. Change is a natural part of life. Yet, all our lives have changed drastically.