Our teachers offer various styles of yoga to accommodate a range of practices and needs.
Class Descriptions:
Flow Yoga
Flow Yoga classes provide a balance of flowing movement and breath awareness done in steady pace, intended to induce relaxation. These classes are for all levels and provide a perfect way to unwind or for a new student to try yoga in a slow, supportive and welcoming environment.
Slow Flow Yoga In Slow Flow classes learn how to initiate movement from the true pace of your breath. Each class will include breath work and a mindfully pace asana sequence.
Kundalini Yoga – The Sanskrit word "Kundal" refers to the circular or coiled energy that usually lies dormant at the base of the spine. Kundalini Yoga helps to move this energy along the chakra systems by using sound, breath, repetitive movements, relaxation, and meditation. Sometimes this practice is referred to as a "technology of awareness", as it helps us align with the creative potential that is our birthright and available to us all.
Hatha Yoga In the grounding, meditative practice, you’ll explore breath as you move through postures. This well-rounded practice will help you find your inner power and strength.
Vinyasa Yoga In this Vinyasa Flow classes learn to link breath with movement. Sequences will start slowly and build in intensity to invigorate, stretch, and strengthen your whole body. Leave class feeling calm, grounded, and energized.
Restorative Yoga – Give yourself true comfort and quiet. Restorative yoga poses support us and all us to relax our grip on whatever our minds and bodies are holding onto. With careful use of props, you’ll being to let go and relax. You’ll leave feeling calm, rejuvenated and connected.
Morning Flow – Begin your day with this grounding and energizing practice. Class will start with a warm up and progressively add movement and flow with the breath.
Aging Gracefully (55+)
This class incorporates the careful use of a range of props and generous instructor assistance to help with mobility and alignment. In a loving and supportive class atmosphere, all students will be encouraged to gently deepen their yoga practices and to experience the joy of being younger this year.
Foundations I & II
Our small group classes, tailored for individual needs, are designed to help students refine and improve their technique and refresh their understanding of the fundamentals. Through mindful work and attention to breath, students will learn proper alignment in basic postures. Students will build strength, flexibility, and balance, and awareness in a safe and supportive environment.
Private Instruction
At Majestic Yoga Studio we are committed to helping our students turn inward and discover their inner strengths. We offer, with great respect for individual differences, private and semiprivate instruction to empower each student to live more fully actualized. Our teaching is customized to individual needs and interests.
Private instruction may include yoga practice, therapeutic movement, strengthening, core work, balance work, designing a home practice, meditation, and/or mindfulness. All private sessions foster the development of strong bodies and self-awareness. Please call or e-mail us to discuss our methodology and philosophy.