The latest teachings, updates, and musings from our teachers at Majestic.
It is #GratefulFriday
"Gratitude can elevate our experience, aligning with the calm, centered, and heart-opening journey."
It is #GratefulFriday
Gratitude is a gateway to the miracles waiting to unfold in our lives.
You Are Whole
Sometimes, we need a gentle reminder that we entered this world whole, pure, and perfect. Over time, life experiences shape us, and we may begin to lose sight of the truth of who we truly are.
It is #GratefulFriday
Gratitude is a gift that’s available to us in every moment, no matter what life throws our way.
From Body Image to Inner Peace: Yoga's Path to Self-Acceptance
In a world constantly telling us how we should look, it can be difficult to separate our sense of worth from our body image.
It is #GratefulFriday
Every day is a gift, and in each moment, countless reasons for gratitude surround us.
It is #GratefulFriday
Every day holds the potential to be the best day of your life, a fresh beginning waiting for you to embrace it.
It is #GratefulFriday
When you embrace gratitude, even by simply appreciating this present moment, you uplift both your emotional wellbeing and physical health.
It is #GratefulFriday
In today’s fast-paced world, it often feels like we’re always in a hurry.
It is #GratefulFriday
In today’s fast-paced world, it often feels like we’re always in a hurry. There’s never enough time, and rarely do we take a moment to slow down and truly appreciate the present.
It is #GratefulFriday
“Gratitude is a gracious acknowledgement of all that sustains us, a bow to our blessings, great and small. Gratitude is the confidence in life itself… As gratitude grows it gives rise to joy. We experience the courage to rejoice in our own good fortune and the good fortune of others…. Joy gladdens the heart. We can be joyful for people who we love, for moments of goodness, for sunlight and trees, and for the very breath within our lungs. Like an innocent
child, we can rejoice in life itself, in being alive.”
~Jack Kornfield
As we approach the end of summer, let's embrace and appreciate all that summer is to and for us......warmer weather, longer days, gatherings with family and friends, long hikes in the woods, tomatoes and fresh picked corn, lingering over coffee in the morning.. How do you take in summer? What are you grateful for?
Let's slow down and take in these last moments of summer before we step back into our fast-paced lives. Take a moment and join me in this meditation sharing our gratitude for summer and all the possibilities it brings!
This meditation is a Tonglen Meditation Tonglen Meditation is a form of energy exchange. Follow your breath in and follow your breath out. Noticing your body beginning to settle in and your mind slowing down. Just continue to watch and witness your breath. And now, let's begin to repeat this gratitude meditation - Inhale Love.....exhale Gratitude.....With each inhale feel the Love flow into your heart. With each exhale feel the Gratitude flow back out into the Universe. Allow yourself to stay in this space for 10 - 15 minutes.
What are you thankful for this week as summer comes to an end?
With Love and Gratitude,
It is #GratefulFriday
"Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only moment you know you have."
~Oprah Winfrey
It is #GratefulFriday
When you feel down in the dumps or find yourself in a funk, how do you cope?
It is #GratefulFriday
"Summer has a flavor like no others. Always fresh and simmered in sunshine."
~Oprah Winfrey
It is #GratefulFriday
Being thankful every day can shift the quality of your life in so many positive ways.