It is #GratefulFriday

It's #gratefulfriday

Gratitude is a gateway to the miracles waiting to unfold in our lives. Often, we’re so busy that we unknowingly close ourselves off to these blessings. Today, let’s slow down, breathe, and open our hearts to gratitude.

Let's try it now. Take a comfortable seat or lie down, close your eyes, and begin with a deep, slow breath in, feeling the cool air fill your lungs. Gently release it. Repeat this once more, breathing in deeply, then letting go softly.

Now, bring to mind one thing you’re grateful for. Resist the urge to make a list – simply let this one gratitude settle in your heart. With each inhale, feel your heart expand; with each exhale, feel it soften. If your mind wanders, ask, What am I grateful for? Let your heart answer.

To deepen the experience, repeat to yourself: Dhanya Vad {dahn-yah vahd}, meaning “when I am grateful, I find grace.” This mantra reminds us that gratitude opens the path for grace to flow.

Stay here for as long as feels right, allowing gratitude to fill you until it overflows. When stress arises, return to this simple practice, breathing into your blessings until there’s no room for anything else.

With love,



Finding Calm in Chaos


You Are Whole