The latest teachings, updates, and musings from our teachers at Majestic.
Yoga Lindsay Gibson Yoga Lindsay Gibson

Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini Yoga focuses on breath and asana along with chanting, meditation, and singing.

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Grateful Fridays Lindsay Gibson Grateful Fridays Lindsay Gibson

It is #GratefulFriday

Every morning start my day with a Gratitude practice. Begin your practice by asking yourself "What are I grateful for?" Don't force the answers. Sometimes the answers may flow easily, other times the answers to may come to you throughout the day. What are you grateful for? .....………

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Grateful Fridays Lindsay Gibson Grateful Fridays Lindsay Gibson

It is #GratefulFriday

There is great beauty in the simple pleasures in life. Those moments when something bubbles up in your heart, fills it up. Suddenly everything in your heart becomes quiet and still. And when your heart is so full and overflowing with bubbles like pink champagne, the bubbles feel like they are dancing and singing with joy.....………

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Grateful Fridays Lindsay Gibson Grateful Fridays Lindsay Gibson

It is #GratefulFriday

Who are the people you are grateful for? The people who are there when you stumble, helping you back up, and pushing you back in. The ones who get you and care about you. Who hold your hand through the tough times....………

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Grateful Fridays Lindsay Gibson Grateful Fridays Lindsay Gibson

It is #GratefulFriday

​​​​​​​​​​​Spending time practicing gratitude helps us to open our hearts to the miracles the universe is just waiting to shower upon us. But we are often too busy and keep our hearts closed off to the wonders of the universe..………

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Grateful Fridays Lindsay Gibson Grateful Fridays Lindsay Gibson

It is #GratefulFriday

Gratitude is available to you in each and every moment, no matter the circumstances. It is a feeling that bubbles up from deep within. It is not only an emotional response, it is a choice you can make. You can choose to be grateful for a situation or you can choose to be ungrateful. By making the choice to be grateful, you can shift your mindset instantly from a place of darkness or sadness to a place of peace and calm and bring more joy and happiness into your heart..​​​​​​​​..………

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Grateful Fridays Lindsay Gibson Grateful Fridays Lindsay Gibson

It is #GratefulFriday

Every day is a gift, and in each moment, there are many things we can be grateful for. The universe opens up to us when we live in a space of gratitude. The day seems a little bit brighter, and the universe reflects our gratitude back on us.​​​​​​​​..………

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Grateful Fridays Lindsay Gibson Grateful Fridays Lindsay Gibson

It is #GratefulFriday

When you feel gratitude, even just being thankful for this moment, you not only increase your emotional wellbeing and physical health, you are happier. The day gets a little bit brighter, the world is a little kinder..………

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Grateful Fridays Lindsay Gibson Grateful Fridays Lindsay Gibson

It is #GratefulFriday

When you feel gratitude, even just being thankful for this moment, you not only increase your emotional wellbeing and physical health, you are happier. The day gets a little bit brighter, the world is a little kinder..………

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Grateful Fridays Lindsay Gibson Grateful Fridays Lindsay Gibson

It is #GratefulFriday

We live in a fast-paced world. It seems like everyone is always in a hurry, there’s never enough time, and we rarely take the time to slow down and take in moments that life offers us. We are always connected to our devices and constantly being buzzed with notifications. No wonder everyone is stressed and, at times, overwhelmed. But what if slowing down could make you less stressed, happier, and more grateful for the life you have?………

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Grateful Fridays Lindsay Gibson Grateful Fridays Lindsay Gibson

It is #GratefulFriday

Even on the darkest of days, there is always something to be grateful for. Everyday gives us the chance to start a new and in each moment, there are many things that we can be grateful for. The universe opens to us when we live in a space of gratitude. Gratitude has a domino effect. When we are appreciative and express that gratitude, the universe shines a little brighter and showers us with even more blessings.………

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Grateful Fridays Lindsay Gibson Grateful Fridays Lindsay Gibson

It is #GratefulFriday

Take a moment to think about your friendships you are grateful for. These deep friendships are so important to our wellbeing and our hearts. They can bring us such joy, especially when we are feeling down or stressed………

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Grateful Fridays Lindsay Gibson Grateful Fridays Lindsay Gibson

It is #GratefulFriday

“Gratitude is a gracious acknowledgement of all that sustains us, a bow to our blessings, great and small. Gratitude is the confidence in life itself… As gratitude grows it gives rise to joy. We experience the courage to rejoice in our own good fortune and the good fortune of others….

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Grateful Fridays Lindsay Gibson Grateful Fridays Lindsay Gibson

It is #GratefulFriday

When your heart is heavy or constricted, try find gratitude in the little moments. You don't have to be grateful for everything because you can't be grateful for everything that you are given. Instead, you can be grateful in every moment..……

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