Om Shanti Om - Seeking Peace Within

Tis the season of magic, giving, wonder, joy, and love. But for many of us, the holidays can quickly become stressful and overwhelming. Becoming one of the busiest, most expensive and draining times of the year.

How do you stay centered during this holiday season and truly enjoy the beauty of it all? Take a few moments everyday to breathe and live intentionally even during the holiday hustle. By spending a few minutes everyday, you can reduce the chaos, stress and craziness out of the holidays. And instead create a simple, meaningful, heart-filled holiday season you and everyone in your life.

To help you find balance and inner peace, let’s explore the ancient Vedic mantra “Om Shanti Om.” Practicing ancient techniques, such as mantra, can help you to transcend material boundaries and connect you to something greater than yourself. Meditating with the “Om Shanti Om” mantra offers a path to this deep harmony. Composed of the words “Om” and “Shanti”, this powerful mantra invites you to reconnect with your fundamental essence and seek unity within yourself.

The primordial sound of “Om” represents the universal vibration that gave birth to all existence. By repeating “Om”, you seek to align yourself with this primordial source and access a deeper consciousness. “Shanti” evokes inner peace, harmony and balance. It symbolizes tranquility and the appeasement of internal conflicts. When you cultivate peace at all levels of your being, you discover a serenity that transcends the turmoil of the outside world.

Let's try it now. Find a comfortable place to sit and begin to follow your breath. Repeat the “Om Shanti Om” three times out loud, whisper it three times, and then repeat is silently to yourself over and over again. As you meditate on this Mantra, you are wishing and spreading peace for all human kinds, all the living and non living beings, and spreading peace in entire universe. Stay in this space for 10 to 15 minutes.

Try to create space everyday for the next month to meditate using this beautiful mantra. You’ll notice yourself feeling calmer and finding joy in the moments of the holidays. By being mindful and daily meditation practice, the holidays don’t have to be stressful, overwhelming and draining. Instead, you can be more calm, centered, and enjoy the joy and magic the holiday season.

Much Love,



It is #GratefulFriday


It is #GratefulFriday