It is #GratefulFriday

It's #GratefulFriday

Gratitude feeds your soul.

Gratitude reminds us of what truly matters in life. Try to find moments for a little gratitude today and every day. You’ll begin to find that the daily stresses become a little lighter and you’ll appreciate what and who you have in your life. When life gets stressful, taking a few moments to remind yourself of what you are thankful, you can shift your mindset and become more grounded, calm. and heart centered.

Gratitude, when practiced and cultivated, can grow every day and becomes easier to step into when life gets challenging. Let's meditate, using the Sanskrit mantra Kritajna Hum -I am gratitude {krit-ah-nah hum}, to bring awaken gratitude within us. Kritajna Hum means - My true self is always grateful. I am connected with everything else in the universe. I am like an ocean -- the deeper I go within, the more I connect with the stillness of my true self. Repeat it 3 times out loud, whisper it 3 times, and then repeat it silently over and over to yourself. Feel your heart fill up with the vibration and gratitude. Stay here for 15 - 20 minutes

Gratitude connects you to the joy that's hidden in plain view, patiently waiting to be seen.

xo Lindsay


It is #GratefulFriday


It is #GratefulFriday