It is #GratefulFriday

It's #GratefulFriday

Joy is found in the in-between moments

Joy is in and from the heart

Joy is who we are, our soul

Joy is transcendent

Joy is contentment and peace

Joy rests deep within

Joy takes practice and patience

Joy is an inner feeling that bubbles up from within

Joy is present in the moment waiting to be noticed

Joy is forever

Joy never fades

Joy is a choice

Joy rests deep within hearts. Sometimes it gets clouded over and needs to be uncovered. When we take a moment to notice and be grateful for the small things, the big things, the moments in between, we begin to tap into the joy in our heart. And little by little the day gets a little bit brighter.

Much Love,



It is #GratefulFriday


It is #GratefulFriday