It is #GratefulFriday
It’s #GratefulFriday
Gratitude has the power to transform your perspective. It invites you to see the silver lining in the little things, to release the weight of the past, and to find joy in this very moment—right here, right now.
Wherever you place your attention, your energy flows. When you focus on what you're grateful for, you amplify joy, love, and connection in your life. But if your attention lingers on negativity, that energy expands instead.
Remember: Happiness doesn’t create gratitude—gratitude creates happiness.
So how do you shift your perspective? How do you cultivate gratitude, even on the hardest days?
Gratitude is already within you, waiting to be noticed. Even when life feels heavy, the smallest pause to turn inward can awaken it. And on the most challenging days, that shift can feel even more profound. Like any practice, gratitude deepens with consistency. It doesn’t require hours—just a few moments of presence.
Let’s take this moment to practice together.
The Sanskrit mantra: Ananda Hum (ah-nahn-dah hum) means I am bliss.
When I gladden my heart, I awaken the energy of gratitude. This energy expands and uplifts me. By opening my heart, I experience gratitude deeply—not as something outside of me, but as something I am. Gratitude shifts the moment by shifting me. Nothing outside of me has to change—I change.
Try this:
Repeat Ananda Hum out loud three times.
Whisper it three times.
Then, repeat it silently within, allowing its vibration to infuse every cell of your being.
Stay with this practice for 15–20 minutes, resting in the energy of gratitude.
True gratitude is the knowing that you belong in the infinite dance of life.
With love,