It is #GratefulFriday
It's #gratefulFriday
Every morning I start my day with a Gratitude practice. I begin my practice by asking myself what I am grateful for? Sometimes the answers flow easily, other times I sit in gratitude and allow the answers to come laterften I am grateful for life's lessons that help me to heal, grow, and become more and more whole. Sometimes I am grateful for a new day. I feel the gratitude bubble up in my heart. And then I stay in this space for a little bit.
And then I'll ask myself "Who am I grateful for?" I don't force the answers. I just allow myself to see and be thankful for the small moments, the simple pleasures in life. Again, I feel the gratitude fill up in my heart and let it flow throughout my being.
A daily gratitdue practice has helped me to get through some very dark and challenging times, to find beauty in small things, and to warm my heart when it is closed off. Try it for a week and let me know how it goes.
Text, email, or someone who you are grateful for.!:)
Much Love,⠀