It is #gratefulFriday

It is #gratefulfriday

Everyday I try to live from the space of gratitude. The more I live in this space, the fuller my life is. As my Scottish mother used to say, "My cup runneth over." I am grateful for the small things, the big things, the silver linings, the precious moments, the lessons that have helped me to grow. The more grateful I am, the more the Universe sends my way. That's because energy flows where our attention goes. The more you focus on the goodness in life, the more you create ✨​​​​​​​​
Even when things are challenging and difficult, we can always find a silver lining, learn from a challenge or difficulty.​​​​​​​​
I am so grateful for my friend who lifted my spirits yesterday when I was struggling with something. 💜​​​​​​​​
Who are you grateful for today?​​​​​​​​
Much Love.​​​​​​​​
Lindsay 🥰


It is #GratefulFriday

