It is #GratefulFriday

It's #GratefulFriday

Gratitude helps you find the silver lining in the little things. It helps you to put the past to rest, and to find joy in this very moment, right here, right now.

⁣Whatever you draw your attention to becomes more powerful in your life.⁣⠀Can you try to focus on what you are grateful for in this moment? If you want to find joy, happiness, love, connection..... then that is where you need draw your attention and intention. But if your attention is on something negative, than that is where your focus and energy go.

Happiness doesn't create gratitude. Gratitude helps you to find happiness.

So how do you make this shift? And find gratitude? And find happiness? It is right there waiting for you. Gratitude is inherent with you. All you have to do it to pause and to look within, even when things are really bad. But on those more challenging days, you may feel the shift more deeply. Being able to create the shift takes regular practice. You don't need a lot of lot of time. You just need to pause and turn inward and connect to the gratitude inside your heart.

Let's practice gratitude and bring more happiness into your life. We'll use the Sanskrit mantra Ananda Hum - I am bliss.

{ah-nahn-dah hum}. When I gladden my heart, I awaken the energy of gratitude. This energy uplifts and expands me. By opening my heart, I can feel gratitude deeply. Gratitude shifts the moment by shifting me. Nothing around me changes; I change. Repeat it out loud 3 times, whisper it 3 times, and then repeat it silently to yourself over and over again, allowing the vibration of the mantra to kiss every cell in your being. Try to stay in the space for 15 - 20 minutes.

True gratitude comes from knowing that you belong in the infinite dance of life.

Much Love,



It is #GratefulFriday


It is #GratefulFriday