With open hearts, we welcome all students to Majestic. Here you will find a place of peace, happiness, and spiritual awakening. Breathe. Discover greater health and self awareness in the joy of practice.
Majestic Community Wellness
Majestic Wellness seeks to upend, expand and diversify the yoga and wellness industry in order to improve health outcomes for all people regardless of age, body type, gender, ethnicity, or income. To fulfill our mission, Majestic Wellness plans to extend beyond the studio walls and partner with community leaders to provide free yoga and wellness classes in underserved areas traditionally excluded from such services.
The Art of Teaching, a 200-Hour YTT
September 14, 2024 - July 19, 2025
Majestic Yoga Studio is offering a 12-month in-depth Yoga Studies & Somatic Education course. The program is a transformational opportunity designed to take you on a journey of self-discovery. With this training you will profoundly deepen your personal yoga practice as well as discover the beauty of sharing it with others.